Project Description

Cannery Creek Bridge Repairs


The Cannery Creek Bridge is a two lane highway bridge at Northgate adjacent to the Brisbane Airport spanning across a tidal creek and carrying approximately 30,000 vehicles per day. The creek is an environmentally sensitive zone with Potential Acid Sulphate Soils. The structure consists of two spans of precast units laterally post tensioned spanning from each abutment to a central headstock on five piers. The piers are precast prestressed concrete piles driven into the mangrove muds down to solid bearing and cantilevering above ground to support the headstock. Over time, significant cracking up to 6mm wide had developed in the piles and cracks were propagating along the deck soffit and headstock. Ecospec proposed an alternative Design and Access solution that saved the client over $700,000 and completed the work 2 months earlier than would have been possible with the client proposed system.

Project Details


Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland





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